2007-01-14:HapMap Public Release #21a

New features in this release include Segmental Duplications and Copy Number Variation (CNV). Segmental Duplications correspond to High-Depth Celera Reads (She et al. 2004; Bailey et al. 2001 & 2002). Structural Variation datasets include:

  • CNV regions determined in HapMap samples (Redon et al. 2006)
  • CNV datasets (Iafrate et al. 2004, Sebat et al. 2004, Sharp et al. 2005, Tuzun et al. 2005)
  • Deletions (Hinds et al. 2006, Conrad et al. 2006; McCarroll et al. 2006)



Rgraphviz installation mac os x intel

Gavai AnandさんがBioCのMLにポストしたものをメモ。

Hi there,
It has been some time trying to install and configure Rgraphviz to work with graphviz. here is a receipe which works quiet well

install R from Darwin ports "http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/getdp/"

>sudo port install r

this will take some time and installation of R will be done in /opt directory created by darwinports during its installation.
as its not set in the environment variable by darwinports
so set it in your .bash_profile or .tcsh files e.g export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH

also install other packages which are required for Rgraphviz like "graphviz" and "pkgconfig" by

>sudo port install graphviz

wait for a while

>sudo port install pkgconig

both these commands will also install dependencies which are required. After this

Start up an R session being root and get the latest version of bioconductor packages by sourcing it from bioconductor website


wait for a while and then install


works fine,